Adobe has partnered with ad company Greystripe to deliver Flash-based ads to Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Greystripe makes this possible by converting Flash ads (which the devices do not currently support) into the competing HTML5 format.
Apple prefers HTML5, which it uses in its new iAd platform for rich media ads on mobile devices. The company has no intention of ever directly supporting Adobe Flash on the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, so this could be the only chance Adobe has at reaching iPhone users with mobile ads — a massive growth market.
The ads distributed through this deal between Adobe and Greystripe will challenge Apple’s own, HTML5-based iAd platform. We’re not sure what (if anything) Apple will do about this.
Adobe tried another route not long ago, offering developers the ability to compile their Flash work into native iPhone applications. In response, Apple changed its developer agreement to forbid developers who want to be published in the Apple App Store from using the feature.
In addition to the iPhone OS and the mobile web, Adobe/Greystripe ads will also work with Google Android smartphone applications and any desktop web browser that supports HTML5.
Src & Text: [mashable]
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