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Women tears send signals to men's brain to back off : Study

Study conducted by Researchers from Israel show how powerful one's women tears is. They say, Crying may be nature's way of telling men to give women some space.

Research by Israeli scientists, of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science examined the significance of emotional human tears suggests they are far more than watery drops squeezed from glands around the eyes.

They found that Women's tears play a functional role by emitting chemical signals that reduce testosterone levels and sexual arousal in men, the study found.

"The fact that emotional tears are different in content was a strong clue for us that they served as a chemo-signal," said Sobel, a professor of neurobiology at the institute. "For sure, it's a means of chemical communication. We communicate in many ways."

In a series of experiments, Sobel and his fellow researchers first determined that men could unconsciously distinguish between the smell of women's tears -- which have no discernable odor -- and odorless saline solution.

The 24 participants then viewed emotionally ambiguous pictures of women's faces, rating the sadness and sexual attractiveness of each. For 17 of the men, the faces appeared less sexually attractive after sniffing tears than after sniffing saline.

Fifty men later watched a sad film after sniffing either tears or saline, which produced a modest drop in self-rated sexual arousal and a pronounced drop in salivary testosterone levels in those who sniffed tears.

Lastly, MRI brain images of 16 men shown sexually arousing pictures and movies indicated that those who sniffed tears beforehand had lower activity in brain regions that typically show activity during arousal.

"I think this study makes overall sense because every emotional response must have been developed for an evolutionary advantage," said Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, founder and neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.

"Testosterone also affects levels of aggression, so if you reduce the degree of aggression, you enhance the survivability of the woman," added Hirsch, noting that eventual clinical applications could potentially be used for sex offenders or those with sexual aggression problems.

The study was published online Jan. 6 in Science.

Via: [Health Day]

SOURCES: Noam Sobel, professor, neurobiology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., founder and neurological director, Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, Chicago; Jan. 6, 2011, Science, online

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