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Theortically, Microsoft's Bing could overtake Google in search arena by 2012

According to latest data released by Experian Hitwise, Google may no longer be Search Engine king and may lose it's throne to Microsoft's Bing.

According to the data, Google was responsible for 64.42% of searches in the U.S. in March, 2011. Where as it's rival Bing-powered search ( + accounted for 30% of U.S. searches.

Last October, Experian Hitwise reported that Google controlled 72.15% of the U.S. search market for September, 2010. Bing powered search accounted for 23.64%. In the last six months, Bing’s market share in the U.S. is up to 30%. Moreover,, which represented just 10% of searches in September 2010, represented 14.32% of searches in March, 2011.

This may happens if the trend continues............

Via: [Mashable]

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